Carolina Teasdale

Hi there! My name is Carolina Teasdale and I was born in Argentina to Italian parents. As a child, I always loved building big things and exploring the world around me. This passion led me to pursue a career in architecture in California. However, I soon realized that I wanted to make a larger impact in the world by helping people holistically. I noticed that many people around the world were struggling with their nutrition and overall health, and I wanted to make a difference. That's when I discovered Purium, and I knew that it was the perfect fit for me.

Through Purium's mission to help people with their nutrition and the environment by reducing plastic waste, I have found my true calling. Today, I am a top leader at Purium, and I am proud to share our message with the world. Join me in our quest to end human suffering and make the world a better place, one person at a time.



